Saturday, March 31, 2012

Day #451 Whoa! I didn't recognize you!

I've been waiting for the day when I would hear that statement! This past week we met up with friends that had moved out of the country two years ago and last saw me at 250 lbs. When they walked into the restaurant they walked right past me and then turned back around when they saw Andrew. They didn't recognize me! What an awesome feeling.

I also finished going through my closet and I have a mountain (literally) of clothes that don't fit me anymore:

I'm going to let my friends go through them and pick out what they want first and then donate the rest to the battered women's shelter.

Even though I can fit into high school clothes and feel amazing, I still hear comments that make me feel like i've made no progress at all. I went to the GYN to see about changing my birth control because i'm not getting any acne control with my iud, and the nurse practitioner said "well, you are a big girl". How can I have lost 71 lbs and still be a big girl? It just made me sad.  Whenever people ask me how much more I want to lose and what's my goal weight, I just say, i'll stop whenever i'm not a "big girl" anymore. I've heard that statement all of my life and it just makes me so angry!

In other news, we're supposed to close on our new house in about 9 days, so i'm stressed out to the max. I'm trying to deal with the stress/anxiety as best as I can but i'm not doing a very good job.  Some days I hardly eat anything at all because i'm so stressed out.  I can't wait for the next two weeks to be over!

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